Past Events

Small Halls Christmas Tour
2, 3 Dec 2023, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Andrew Deocke
Held at the Ma Ma Creek Hall, Pilton Hall, Pittsworth Hall, & PPC

Come & Try Night
11 Oct 2023, Event, Performed by the Philharminors
Conductor: Cassie Midgley, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at PPC

Trail by Jury and Other G&S Absurdities
30 Sep & 1 Oct 2023, Opera Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters (& Director), Accompanied by Andrew Deocke
Held at PPC

A world of Pure Imagination
12 Aug 2023, Concert, Performed by the Philharminors
Conductor: Cassie Midgely, Accompanied by Andrew Deocke
Held at PPC

Shakespearean Feast
23 Apr 2023, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Andrew Deocke
Held at PPC

Trivia 120
25 Mar 2023, Fundraising
Held at PPC

Be a Philharminor for a day
4 Mar 2023, Event, Performed by the Philharminors
Conductor: Cassie Midgely, Accompanied by Andrew Deocke
Held at PPC

Wonder Land of Lights
7 Dec 2022, Carols, Performed by the Philharminors
Conductor: Cassie Midgely, Accompanied by Abi Bunch
Held at the Botanical Gardens TWB

Handel's Messiah
26, 27 Nov & 3, 4 Dec 2022, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Abi Bunch & Andrew Deoke (organ) + Orchestra, Guest Soloists 12 choir memebers
Held at St Lukes, and in Warwick, and Nanango

Philharminors at the Flicks
15 Oct 2022, Concert, Performed by the Philharminors
Conductor: Cassie Midgely, Accompanied by Abi Bunch
Held at PPC

AstroHarmonic: Music & Stars
8 Oct 2022, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Abi Bunch
Held at Unisq Auditorium

Spring Concert
17 Sep 2022, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Abi Bunch
Held at St Lukes

Sing-A-Long Night
13 Aug 2022, Fundraising
Held at PPC

Madges Opera Scenes
10 Jul 2022, Opera Gala, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Calista Walters (& Director), Accompanied by Abi Bunch
Held at PPC

Spirits of War Time
24 Apr 2022, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Toowoomba Municipal Band
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Abi Bunch
Held at USQ artworks

General Ignorance
2 Apr 2022, Fundraising
Held at PPC

Love and Other lessons
23, 24 Oct 2021, Opera Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Abi Bunch, Guest Soloists Opera Chorus featuring selected scenes of soloists. Guest Opera Australia soloist: Paul Tabone
Held at the Empire Armitage Theatre
Philharminors in Concert
11 Sep 2021, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Abbey McHardy, Accompanied by Abi Bunch
Held at PPC

Simply Sacred
23, 24 Apr 2021, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Calista Walters, Accompanied by Abi Bunch & Mel Bucholts
Held at PPC

The Joy of Christmas
5 Dec 2020, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Emma Kann, Accompanied by Melissa Bucholts, Guest Soloists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knxe_OW8hxE
Held via Live Stream from PPC

3 Nov 2019, Opera Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane/Melissa Bucholts/Lorriane Fuller
Held at the Empire Armitage Theatre

Spring Conert
22 Sep 2019, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at St Lukes

Big fish
27-30 Jun 2019, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Dani Cripps (Director)
Held at USQ artworks

Out of this World
6, 7 Apr 2019, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC

Sing-A-Long Movie Night
9 Mar 2019, Fundraising
Held at PPC

Mostly Christmas
24 Nov 2018, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC

12-14 Oct 2018, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Simon Mason (Director)
Held at the Empire Theatre

Moments of Mozart
4 Aug 2018, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC

Songs of the Silver Screen
2, 3 Jun 2018, Musical Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
Carols at Glenvale - 'Tis the Season
10 Dec 2017, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at the Glenvale Seventh Day adventist Church

Trivia Night
14 Oct 2017, Fundraising
Held at PPC

Take the Stage
23 Sep 2017, Musical Gala, Performed by the Voices
Conductor: Cherie Vera (& Director), Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Various local youth musicians
Held at the Empire Armitage Theatre

Alexanders feast
15 Jul 2017, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Calista Walters, Cassie Midgley, Martin Paroz, Greg Ottaviano
Held at PPC

La Opera d'or
29 Apr 2017, Opera Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Calista Walters, Deb Rogers, Jon Maskell, Nick kirkup
Held at the Empire Armitage Theatre

23, 25 Sep 2016, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Held at the Empire Theatre

Judas Maccabeous
7 Aug 2016, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: Trina Timbs, Accompanied by Pam Duane & Andrew Doecke (organ), Guest Soloists Cherie Vera replace by Calista walters due to illness, Clarissa Foulcher, Jon maskell and Nick Kirkup
Held at St Lukes

Double Feature Sing-a-long
23 Jul 2016, Fundraising
Held at PPC

Melodes through the Isles
7 May 2016, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC

Trivia Through the Ages
27 Fec 2016, Fundraising
Held at PPC

4, 5 Jul 2015, Musical Gala, Performed by the Voices
Conductor: Cherie Vera (& Director), Accompanied by Pam Duane &
Held at PPC

24, 25 Apr 2015, Opera Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Trina Timbs, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Cherie Vera, Deborah Rogers, Jon Maskell, Nick Kirup, Robert Williams
Held at the Empire Armitage Theatre

17, 18 Dec 2014, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Cherie Vera (Director), Accompanied by Pam Duane + Band, Guest Soloists Kateltn Berry, Cassie Midgley, Jessie Ainsworth, Ben Apsey, Philip Jones, Christina Strano, Evan hollis
Held at Hume Ridge
Christmas Tree festival
15 Dec 2014, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at St John's

The Stars That Shine
6 Dec 2014, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane & Wendy Bailles, Guest Soloists Cherie Vera
Held at PPC

Comedy Concert
20 Jul 2014, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Evan Rees, Anna Whilshire, Cherie Vera, Christina Strano
Held at PPC
Carnival Concert
21 Sep 2014, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane & Andrew Doecke
Held at St Lukes

Musical Trivia Night
31 May 2014, Fundraising
Held at PPC

Celebration of Life
27 Apr 2014, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: NIcole Maden, Accompanied by Pam Duane , Guest Soloists Nicole Maden
Held at PPC
Toowoomba Show
29 Mar 2014, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: Nicole Maden, Accompanied by Band
Held at the Show Grounds
Sing Australia
TBA, Performance, Performed by the Treble Tones
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
Christmas Concert
14 Dec 2013, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Voices
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Tiana Black (oboe)
Held at PPC

Carnival Concert
22 Sep 2013, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Cherie Vera, Maggie Doyle
Held at St Lukes

18, 25 Aug 2013, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Ars Cantorum & Choral Society
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane + TCO, Guest Soloists Cherie Vera, Robert Williams, Phillip Prendergast, Maggie Doyle
Held at St Luke's and St Mark's Warwick

An Evening at the Opera
27, 28 Apr 2013, Opera Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Cherie Vera, Robert Williams, Phillip Prendergast
Held at PPC

110th Anniversary Dinner
19-21 Nov & 3 Dec 2013, Event
Conductor: Cherie Vera, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
HMS Pinafore
8, 9, 10 Nov 2012, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Andrew Doecke (Director), Accompanied by Pam Duane + Orchestra, Guest Soloists Matthew Collins, Bria Valderamma,Phillip Prendergast, Ian Kammolz
Held at Hume Ridge
Carnival Concert
21 Sep 2012, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Melinda Van Der Meulen, Neva Olsen
Held at St Lukes
Murder in Rehearsal
25-26 Aug & 1 Sep 2012, Theatre Restaurant, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Neva Olsen (Director)
Held at PPC
Byrd to Beatles
22 Jul 2012, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Elizabeth Gordon, Guest Soloists Rosalie Nevell, Lance Clarke, Paul Fuller
Held at PPC
Romantic Sacred Works + Faure's Requiem
29 Apr 2012, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Silver Sounds & Treble Tones
Conductor: Margaret Wilkie, Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane & Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Neville Wilkie, Louise Wall, Sharon Matheson, Scott Tham
Held at St Lukes
Faure's Requiem
25 Mar 2012, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Silver Sounds
Conductor: Margaret Wilkie, Accompanied by Pam Duane & Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Neville Wilkie, Lorraine Muller
Held in Dalby
Carols in the Courtyard
11 Dec 2011, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Toowoomba Municipal Band, Treble Tones
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
Romantic Reflections
9 Oct 2011, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at St Lukes
The Seasons
26 Jun 2011, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane & Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Cherie Vera, Phillip Prendergast, Robert Williams
Held at St Lukes
Look at the World
27 Mar 2011, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Sharon Matheson, Treble Tones
Held at PPC
Christmas Tree Festival
7 Dec 2010, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at St Lukes
An Afternoon with John Rutter
7 Nov 2010, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Treble Tones & The Accidentals
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Ben Rankin, Lisa Skerman
Held at PPC
The Messiah
8 Aug 2010, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Ars Cantorum & East Street Singers
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke & Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Pam Thomas, Jill Hulme, Michelle Dawson, Phillip Prendergast,
Held at St Lukes
Camellia Show Opening
17 Jul 2010, Concert, Performed by the Treble Tones
Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at TAFE
Songs of the Sea
18 Apr 2010, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists String Quartet, Phillip Prendergast
Held at PPC
Christmas in the Park
13 Dec 2009, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pad Duane
Held at Eiser St Park
Celebration Concert
8, 9, 10 Nov 2009, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
Farmer will Swap Combine Harvester for Wife
12, 13, 19, 20 Sep 2009, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
We Remember
19 Apr 2009, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
Festival of Music
15, 22 Mar 2009, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Guest Soloists Various local youth musicians
Held at PPC
With Praise Resounding
7, 14 Sep 2008, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ East Street Singers (Warwick)
Conductor: Lorraine Fuller, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Pam Thomas, Nick Kirkup, Lance Clarke, Jill & Jasmine Hulme
Held at PPC
Memories from the Musicals
26 Jul 2009, Musical Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Matthew Collins, Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
Spotlight on Broadway
1 Jun 2008, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Don Burge, Nerida Fraser, Zeldfa Richardson, Wendy Evans
Held at PPC
Don't Dress for Dinner'
29, 30 Nov & 6, 7 Dec 2008, Theatre Restaurant, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Neva Olsen (Director)
Held at PPC
The Odd Couple
1, 2, 8, 9 Dec 2007, Theatre Restaurant, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Neva Olsen (Director)
Held at PPC
A Feast of Music
28 Oct 2007, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Alex Miller, Andrew Firth, Treble Tones
Held at PPC
Crikey it's Christmas
16 Oct 2007, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at Eiser St Park
Carnival Choral Festival
23 Sep 2007, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane (organ)
Held at St Lukes
Celtic Connections
29 Jul 2007, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Caledonian Pipe Band, Sharon Matheson, Treble Tones
Held at PPC
Breaking Free
16 Jun 2007, Concert, Performed by the Treble Tones
Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at the City Golf Club
Qld Day Concert
3 Jun 2007, Performance, Performed by the Treble Tones
Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held in Queen's Park
Pot Pourri
29 Apr 2007, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Pam Duane, Guest Soloists Pam Thomas, Brent Miller, Daniel McIlbride
Held at PPC
Light it Up
24 Feb 2007, Concert, Performed by the Treble Tones
Accompanied by Shirley Bernays
Held in Oakey
Spirit of Christmas + Fantasia on Christmas Carols
16, 17 Dec 2006, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Harry Coghill, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Jon Maskell, Carli Walker, Phillip Prendergast
Held at PPC
Carols in the Park
10 Dec 2006, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at Eiser St Park
Mayor's Christmas Party
30 Nov 2006, Carols, Performed by the Treble Tones
Accompanied by Elizabeth Gordon
Held at Rumours
Are You Being Served
12, 19, 26 Nov 2006, Theatre Restaurant, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Neva Olsen (Director)
Held at PPC
Qld Masonic Choir
15 Oct 2006, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Accompanied by Pam Duane
Held at PPC
Me and My Girl
8, 9, 10 Sep 2006, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Helen Earley, Gwen Hart (Director), Accompanied by Andrew Doecke + Orchestra, Guest Soloists Phillip Prendergast, Maree Butterworth, Rick Ireland
Held at the Empire Theatre
By Arrangement
17 Jun 2006, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Accompanied by Imogen Scott-Parker (pianist)
Held at PPC
Petite Messe Solennelle (Rossini)
29 Apr 2006, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Harry Coghill, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke & Caroline & Ruth Ballinger, Guest Soloists Deborah Rogers, Carli Walker, Martin Paroz, Sam Elliot
Held at St Lukes
Concert with Goombungee's Over 50s
18 Mar 2006, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Held in Goombungee
The Spice of Life
5 Mar 2006, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Held at PPC
Norwin Concert
5 Dec 2005, Concert, Performed by the Treble Tones & Philharmonic Youth Choir
Accompanied by Elizabeth Gordon
Held at Norwin
Bach's Christmas Oratorio
4 Dec 2005, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Egbert Guichard, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke + Ensemble, Guest Soloists Rosalie Nevell, Carli Walker. Martin Paroz, Michael Strasser
Held at St Lukes
Tribute to the Musicals
4, 5 Jun 2005, Musical Gala, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Treble Tones, Opera Queensland Quartet
Conductor: Helen Earley, Gwen Hart (Director), Accompanied by Fay Miller
Held at PPC
Bold as Brass
27 Feb & 6 Mar 2005, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Treble Tones, Tarnished Brass
Conductor: Trina Timbs, Accompanied by Christine Lebsanft
Held at PPC
A Salute to the West
3, 4 Dec 2004, Theatre Restaurant, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Neva Olsen, Janine Kanowski, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at Laguna
Concerts and Comics
24, 25 Sep 2005, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at PPC
Prelude to Spring
11, 12 Sep 2004, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Fay Miller, Guest Soloists Andrew Doecke
Held at Laguna
Prelude to Spring
28 Aug 2004, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Fay Miller, Guest Soloists Andrew Doecke
Held in Goondiwindi
Wizard of Oz
25, 26, 27 Jun 2004, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Helen Earley (Director), Accompanied by Leanne Warne, Guest Soloists Carolyn Ayers, Ron Ayers, Andrew Lange, David Johnston, Patrick Carswell
Held at the Empire Theatre
The Creation
4,18 Apr 2004, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Tarnished Brass
Conductor: Egbert Guichard, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke & Leanne Warne, Guest Soloists Don Burge, Andrew Findon, Stephen Moore, Rosalie Nevell, Pam Thomas
Held at St Luke's and St Mark's Warwick
Christmas Theatre Restaurant
28-30 Nov 2003, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrews Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns
Held at Laguna
100th Birthday Celebration Concert
9 Nov 2003, Event, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Choral Society, Helen Earley Singers, Toowoomba Municipal Band
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns
Held at the Empire Theatre
100th Year Celebrations
7, 8 Nov 2003, Event
Held at Laguna
Spring Concert
17-19 Oct 2003, Performance, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns
Held at Laguna
South Pacific
5-7 Sep 2003, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at the Empire Theatre
Melodies and Masterpieces
6-8 Jun 2003, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Held at Laguna
Hymn of Praise (Mendelssohn)
13 Apr 2003, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns & Walter Noller, Guest Soloists Neva Olsen, Catherine Frankel, Cory Olsen
Held at St Lukes
Carols in the Cowshed
7 Dec 2002, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Treble Tones
Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at the Show Grounds
Christmas Oratorio
24 Nov 2002, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Held at St Lukes
Theatre Restaurant
13-15 Sep 2002, Theatre Restaurant, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Neva Olsen, Janine Kanowski
Held at Laguna
HMS Pinafore
14 Jun 2002, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Andrew Doecke (Director), Accompanied by Wendy Burns + Orchestra
Held at the Empire Theatre
Autumn Concert
14 Apr 2002, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns
Held at Laguna
The Messiah
24 Nov & 1 Dec 2002, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ East Street Singers (Warwick)
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns & Leanne Warne + Orchestra, Guest Soloists Hayley Sugars, Maxine Kirk, John Penny, Arthur Johnson
Held at St Luke's and St Mark's Warwick
Community Christmas Concert
25 Nov 2001, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke
Held in Highfields
Snugglepot and Cuddlepie
19-21 Oct & 3 Nov 2001, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Youth Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns
Held at the City Hall, Chinchilla
Calamity Jane
15-17 Jun 2001, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Held at the Empire Theatre
The Crucifixion
8 Apr 2001, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Youth Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Wendy Burns, Guest Soloists John Penny, John Kessler
Held at St Lukes
Songs of Praise
15 Oct 2000, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Phillip Gelaar
Held at St Lukes
The Dettingen Te Deum
15 Oct 2000, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Phillip Gelhaar & Wendy Burns + orchestra, Guest Soloists Nerida Fraser, Lorraine Muller, EE. Kuam Low, Paul Hung
Held at St Lukes
King and I
1 Jan 2000, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Barbara Priebe (Director), Accompanied by Andrew Doecke + Orchestra
Held at the Empire Theatre
Song for St Cecelia's Day
12 Dec 1999, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Helen Earley, Cory Olsen, John Penny, Pam Thomas
Held at St Lukes
Carols by Candlelight
21 Nov 1999, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at Laguna
8-10 Oct 1999, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Held at the Empire Theatre
Rome, Sweet Rome
28-30 May 1999, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Ruth Graham (Director)
Held at Laguna
Carols by Candlelight
29 Nov 1998, Carols, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at Laguna
The Sound of Music
21, 22 Nov 1998, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Gwen Hart (Director), Accompanied by Madge Chamberlin & Andrew Doecke + orc
Held at the Empire Theatre
Mid-winter Concert
23 Aug 1998, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at Laguna
12-14, 19-21 June 1998, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Peter Hackwood, Janne Eiby, Accompanied by Madge Chamberlin & Andrew Doecke
Held at Laguna
Olivet to Calvary
5 Apr 1998, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists John Penny
Held at St Lukes
South Pacific
4-12 Apr 1997, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Guest Soloists Evan Waite, Barry Ledger
Held at the Empire Theatre
Murder at the Music Hall
8-16 Nov 1996, Theatre Restaurant, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Neva Olsen, Janine Kanowski
Held at Laguna
The Creation
11,17 Aug 1996, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ McIntyre Choral Society
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke + Orchestra, Guest Soloists Cheryl Laurie, John Penny, John Bernays
Held at St Luke's and in Milmerran
20-27 Apr 1996, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Brian Fowler (Director), Accompanied by Madge Chamberlin & Andrew Doecke + orc, Guest Soloists Oliver Dashwood, Peter Hackwood, Ruth Graham
Held at the City Hall
Festival of Praise
24,25 Sep 1995, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at the Redeemer Church
The Ancient Mariner
23,30 Jul 1995, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Cheryl Laurie, Margaret Proellocks, Dorothy Volker, John Kessler
Held at Laguna
Mid-Winter Concert + Ancient Mariner
23,30 Jul 1995, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke , Guest Soloists Margaret Proellocks, Dorothy Volker, John Kessler, Cory Olsen
Held at Laguna
The Music Man
31 Mar & 8 Apr 1995, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Evan Waite (Director), Accompanied by Madge Chamberlin & Andrew Doecke + orc, Guest Soloists Peter Hackwood, Trevor Becker, Oliver Dashwood
Held at the City Hall
Israel in Egypt
26 Nov & 3 Dec 1995, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Choral Society
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Robyn Morris & Andrew Doecke + orc, Guest Soloists Helen Earley, Rosalie Nevell, Margaret Proellocks, John Penny,
Held at St Luke's and in Laidley
Judas Maccabaeus
20-22 Nov 1994, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Cheryl Laurie, Margaret Proellocks, John Penny, John Kessler
Held at St Lukes
Mid-Winter Concert
17, 24 Jul 1994, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir & Philharmonic Youth Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at Laguna
The Mikado
15-23 Apr 1994, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Barbara Priebe (Director), Accompanied by Madge Chamberlin & Andrew Doecke + orc, Guest Soloists Bernard Wheaton, Cory Olsen, Miranda Gehrke, Dorothy Volker
Held at the City Hall
The Dettingen Te Deum
28 Nov 1993, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at St Lukes
Anything Goes
10-18 Sep 1993, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Held at the City Hall
Nudging Ninety
28-30 May & 4,5 Jun 1993, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Barbara Priebe
Held at Laguna
Olivet to Calvary
28 Mar 1993, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists John Penny, John Kessler
Held at St Lukes
Pirates of Penzance
11-19 Sep 1992, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Conductor: Barbara Priebe (Director), Accompanied by Madge Chamberlin & Andrew Doecke + orc, Guest Soloists Evan Waite, Margaret Proellocks, Peter Hackwood, Brian Fowler
Held at the City Hall
Philo's Music Hall
27,29 May & 3,5,6 Jun 1992, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Brian Boak, Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Val Colbert
Held at Laguna
Viva Mexico
24-31 May & 1 Jun 1991, Musical, Performed by the Philo & Musical Cast
Accompanied by Madge Chamberlin & Andrew Doecke + orc
Held at the City Hall
Remember When' Music Hall
21-30 Nov & 1 Dec 1990, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Brian Boak, Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Anne Thomas + ensemble
Held at Laguna
19, 26 Nov 1989, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir w/ Choral Society
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke
Held at St Luke's and in Laidley
Philo's Music Hall
5-15 Jul 1989, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Brian Boak, Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Anne Thomas
Held at Laguna
80th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
6 Nov 1983, Event
Guest Soloists Rev Emerson
Held at Laguna
The Creation
28 Aug 1983, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Val Colbert & Hoghn Ridgway, Guest Soloists Dulcie McEwan, John Penny, John Kessler
Held at St Lukes
The Messiah
6,8,12 Dec 1956, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Walter Emerson, Accompanied by Shirley Bowtell, Guest Soloists Madge Chamberlin, Margaret Proellocks, John Kessler
Held at St Lukes and in Pittsworth, and Dalby
Swing Into Spring
1 Sep 1956, Concert, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Andrew Doecke, Accompanied by Anne Gralow
Held at Laguna
Vivaldi's Gloria
10,16 Aug 1956, Oratorio, Performed by the Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Madge Chamberlin, Accompanied by Andrew Doecke, Guest Soloists Anji Kane, Dorothy Volker
Held at St Luke's and in Chinchilla